Regional Speakers

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Using and Integrating Educational Technology: Capacities, Challenges and Changes for Higher Education in the Philippines

Americas Region
April 20, 8:00 AM, Hawaiian-Aleutian Time; 3:00 AM (April 21), Tokyo & Seoul Time; 4:00 AM (April 21), Melbourne, AEST

Danilo M. Baylen
Professor, Instructional Technology
Department of Educational Technology and Foundations
College of Education, University of West Georgia

This session provides an overview of higher education practices about the use and integration of educational technology at universities and colleges in the Philippines. Based on current research literature, Dr. Baylen will identify and describe existing capacities for faculty engaging in technology-enhanced teaching. Similarly, he will identify and discuss the challenges of using technology to support learning.

Dr. Baylen will further address the changes needed as higher education institutions compete for market share of the incoming influx of new students as the country’s Department of Education transitions to a K-12 format. Finally, the speaker will share preliminary findings from a research project on fostering digital literacy pertaining to capacity issues, challenges and changing contexts.

This session will be of interest to higher education faculty members, instructional developers, and administrators especially from developing countries. Additionally, those engaged in developing policies, managing technology support and designing infrastructures for higher education would find it interesting.

About The Presenter

Danilo M. Baylen Professor, Instructional Technology Department of Educational Technology and Foundations College of Education, University of West Georgia

Danilo M. Baylen

Dr. Danilo M. Baylen is a tenured Professor of Instructional Technology at the University of West Georgia in the United States. He completed his graduate work in Instructional Technology (doctoral) and Counseling (master’s) from Northern Illinois University, Also, he has master’s degrees in Library and Information Studies (University of Alabama), and Elementary Studies (Florida Gulf Coast University), and an undergraduate degree in Economics (University of Philippines Diliman). Baylen publishes articles, book chapters and proceeding papers on technology integration practices, online teaching and learning, and faculty development. He is lead editor of Essentials of Teaching and Integrating Visual and Media Literacy published by Springer in 2015.

Prior to his faculty role, Dr. Baylen worked as instructional designer (at Florida Gulf Coast University), director of Instructional Technology Services (University of Akron), and coordinator of the Center for Instructional Design and Development (Ohio State University Mansfield). He also worked as teacher of English as a second language, and social worker in Southeast Asian refugee camps in the Philippines (1985-1989) and Hong Kong (1989-1990).

Currently, Dr. Baylen is the immediate past president of the International Division of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). He has been involved in several advisory boards (such as the International Visual Literacy Association and the Teaching, Colleges and Community Online Conference) and editorial boards (such as the Quarterly Review of Distance Education, TechTrends, and To Improve the Academy).

This spring, Dr. Baylen serves as a visiting professor in the College of Education, and a consultant to the Fostering Digital Literacy in Teacher Education, a grant funded project under the leadership of the Center for Teaching Excellence as part of his academic leave. He is located at West Visayas State University on Panay Island, Philippines.

Incorporating Instructional Design Theory into an Online Graduate Program at Kumamoto University, Japan

Asia & Australia Region
April 20, 2:00 PM, Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST); 8:00 PM, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)

Katsuaki Suzuki, Professor
Program Chair, Graduate School of Instructional Systems
Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan

This regional session describes the Graduate School of Instructional Systems initiative to stay current by practicing what they preach: Utilize the newest research in teaching and learning. In their online program in instructional design and technology, students aspire to be e-learning specialists. Therefore, the newest trends are necessarily incorporated into what and how the subjects are taught.

An extensive effort has been made to transition the master’s program by applying a story-centered curriculum (SCC), an extension of Shank’s goal-based scenarios. This presentation describes details of how two lines of stories were developed, one in a corporate setting and another in a university setting, to prepare graduates in the two working contexts from the start. It was accomplished by a conversion of coursework, taking multiple courses lesson by lesson, to complete work orders from “the boss” every week. Impacts and implications will be discussed.

About The Presenter

Katsuaki Suzuki, Professor Professor Program Chair, Graduate School of Instructional Systems Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan

Katsuaki Suzuki, Professor

Dr. Katsuaki Suzuki is Professor and Chair of the Graduate School of Instructional Systems at Kumamoto University. Since receiving his doctorate in instructional systems from Florida State University, Dr. Suzuki taught at Tohoku Gakuin University and Iwate Prefectural University.

Dr. Suzuki has been a visiting professor at the Open University Graduate School, Japan (2006-2009); director of the International Board for Standards of Training, Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi(r): 2007-2015); director and Vice President of Japan Society for Educational Technology (JSET); director of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education; director and Past President (2012-2015) of Japan Association for Educational Media Studies (JAEMS); and honorary member of e-Learning Consortium Japan.

Dr. Suzuki is author of numerous research articles and books, including Design Manual of Self-learning Material, Design Manual of Training, Principles of Instructional Design (5th Ed., translation supervisor), Designing Motivation to Learn, Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology (3rd Ed.), and Getting Started in Educational Technology Research (joint translator, commentator).

For a full list of publications and affiliations, see:

The Inherent Fluidity of Distance Education – A Focus on the Role of the Learner, the Facilitator and Curriculum

European / Middle East Region
April 21, 7:00 AM, Hawaiian-Aleutian Time; 9:00 PM, GST (Abu Dhabi); 8:00 PM, EEST (Helsinki); 6:00 PM BST (London)

Ana Cristina Pratas
Educator, Teacher Trainer, and Instructional Designer
As online education continues to grow around the world, so do challenges and opportunities of this instructional format. Educators need to make the transition to teaching/facilitating online, while learners must cross the necessary bridges in order to succeed when studying online.

The chessboard of classrooms and power struggles between learners, teachers and the curriculum becomes more fluid in an online environment.

This talk focuses on the different roles of learners, teachers and the curriculum in online and distance education courses, with a particular focus on the inherent need for flexibility and fluidity in facilitating such courses.

About The Presenter

Ana Cristina Pratas Educator, Teacher Trainer, and Instructional Designer

Ana Cristina Pratas

Ana Cristina Pratas taught in higher education in Europe, the Middle East and Japan for over 20 years. Recently, she has been involved with online education at various levels, ranging from teacher training in developing countries, training teachers in pedagogical uses of ICT for learning, to designing online courses at the post-graduate level for educators.

Ms. Pratas shares educational technology reflections on blogs, namely, the award winning CristinaSkyBox, as well as being a lead content curator in Online Education, with her Digital Delights, which focuses on current trends and issues in education. She is a strong believer that educational technology and distance learning may be a potential equalizer helping to transform and develop knowledge and required skills for our present and ever changing future.

When not travelling, Ms. Pratas enjoys photography and writing travelogues.

More information:
E-Portfolio –
About Me –

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